Tuesday 18 October 2011

It's Cold in Ferrara but It's People are Warm

(I know that this sounds sort of cheesy, but I don't really care as there's truth in what I say.)
I knew that the warm weather was too good to last here, it's officially autumn. And what's more I have no warm clothes here with me (seriously what did I pack when I came here?!?) Luckily the good old parents will be here in less than a week to bring me some thermals. Therefore my housemates and I decided at the weekend that we would put the heating on, only to realise that the radiators weren't working. Not to worry Chiara assured me that Signore Buzzi, the nice old man from next door would come round to fix them.
Now all the radiators needed was to be let out the trapped air, not that difficult really, but Signore Buzzi came round yesterday evening to check them, this morning and this evening to make sure everything was alright. I don't think that I could've done that in Birmingham somehow. The people here just seem much more willing to give someone a hand, whether they know them or not. Anyway since I was the only one in this evening I let him in and we were having a nice little chat, and he told me all about his passion for archeology and he invited me next door to see his collection . Now I'm not the biggest fan of broken pots, but you know he'd given up a lot of his time to help us out, I wanted to be polite.
I went into the living room where his wife was watching some kind of Italian soap to see this huge cabinet full of pots and bowls and figurines, amazingly restored and conditioned. He told me that he found them all over the city of Ferrara dating back to the 14th century. It was incredible, they were equal if not better than the ones I had seen in the Museum of the Plazzo Schifanoia!
It's just incredible what you can discover if you're only willing to look.

Ok enough with the mushiness, will speak to y'all soon

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