Monday 26 March 2012

Verona, Che Bella!

This weekend I decided to take a trip to Verona to see the sights and my lively friend Alice who is doing her Erasmus there this year. I think Verona is a really beautiful city and well worth a visit if you’re in the Veneto region.

Firstly getting from the train station into the centre is not easy, unlike most cities where the station is situated usually at the bottom of the main street leading into the centre, in Verona you have to take a right and head as if you’re walking towards the motorway. I used my age old trick of following the people out of the station who are clearly Italian, walking at a brisk pace with a clear sense of direction. Luckily by doing this I found myself on the main street Via Porta Nuova in no time. (Warning this doesn’t always work and you may find yourself in some random car park - but the majority of the time it pays off.)

Piazza Bra and the Arena - On a beautifully sunny weekend like I had this is such a nice place to come and sit in the shade, rest your feet and maybe have a gelato. It’s also a great meeting place as everyone who passes through seems to be stopping for a chat with somebody they know. The only drawback is that it does attract a few weirdos, and tramps can be found taking their morning wash in the fountain but other than that it’s great. The Arena is right next to Piazza Bra and although it isn't as big as the Colosseum in Rome, I think it's just as impressive. I really want to go watch one of the operas held in the summer there, we’ll have to wait and see. Interesting fact: They soundproof the Arena when there are performances on so people cannot hear the music from the outside.

La Casa di Giulietta - So you can guarantee one of the busiest places in Verona will be the infamous Juliet’s balcony. The hype surrounding this place really sets my teeth on edge since IT’S NOT REALLY HER HOUSE! IT WAS BUILT IN THE 60s!!! But once you can get past this it’s fine. The place is amazing for one thing I must admit the thousands and thousands of signature declaring their love and padlocks all over the railings. The padlocks or love locks which can be found all over Italy have become a spectacle in itself within the courtyard. Apparently both lovers have to be present at the time and it is seen as an expression of their love. Perhaps I’m cynical, or just jealous, but i don’t really see the fascination. However they do make for pretty pictures. There is also a statue of Juliet which if you rub her breast it's meant to give you luck. But what many people don't know, as Alice informed me, you have to touch it with your left hand otherwise it doesn't count. Even if all of this doesn't appeal it's worth a visit simply to go in the gift shop. Now I don't mean the one filled with overpriced tacky souvenirs, but go into where they do the embroidery. Literally anything and everything from aprons to baby bibs, embroidered with any lettering. I got a sample of my name and watching the man work was incredible, the speed and dexterity with which he worked was amazing!

Piazza dell'Erbe - A great Piazza, full of bustling little market stalls where you can buy souvenirs. It's also a lovely place to sit with a spritz and do some people watching. But be warned the bars are much more expensive in this square than most other places.
Piazza dei Signori - Perhaps not as busy as Piazza dell'Erbe but worth a look for the beautiful frescos on the buildings. Just a little way along are the extravagantly gothic tombs of the Scaligeri family, the nobility Verona. Being down a small side street they can be easily missed

Duomo - Although I didn't actually go inside the outside is still pretty impressive. 

Castel San Pietro - This was perhaps one of my favourite places I visited whilst in Verona. On the top of a hill overlooking the whole of Verona the views are incredible.

Castelvecchio - It seemed to me to have similar architecture to that of the Castello here in Ferrara. You can walk across the bridge and through into the castle interior. Recently it has been the set for some of the shots in the new Romeo and Juliet film. But only a handful of scenes were actually filmed in Verona itself, the main site was in Mantova, a near by town, a bit smaller than Verona and a hell of a lot quieter, making it easier to film.

Overall as well as Verona being a great city to visit it was just as lovely to catch up with Alice and meet her friends. We all went out for drinks on the saturday night and was lovely to get to know everyone. I also branched out from my usual prosecco to try something a bit different. Firstly Alice had bought a bottle of Soave white wine which is from the Veneto region and it was lovely. Then we went to a bar that did Spritz bianco, which was like a white wine spritzer with mint leaves and lime. Then I had an apple mojito, so refreshing!

Gnocci EVER!

All in all a wonderful weekend filled with interesting people and places. I will definitely be returning soon!

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