Monday 14 May 2012

Ain’t No Party like a Secret Party!

Saturday night had to have been one of my best nights out in Ferrara thus far! 

Over a month ago I was invited to a “Secret Party” on Facebook which explained that on this date and this time there would a huge party held at and unknown venue. Now being a little skeptical It did sound a little fishy but I thought you never know it may turn out to be real. When I spoke to a friend of mine about it, he told me he was DJing at this “Secret Party” and gave me a vague indication of where it was going to be held. 

Over the following weeks there were various speculations made about where it may be held - including someone saying they would be using an empty supermarket. 

Two days before the event they put up on the Facebook group that it was taking place in a 
airfield not far from the large shopping centre at the southern end of the city.
The brilliant way of keeping details on a strictly need to know basis and everyone being held in suspense meant that by the time saturday night came everyone was eager with insane amounts of anticipation.

Saturday night
we cycled in convey to the venue. I have genuinely never seen so many bikes heading in one direction before. Surprisingly there was no police presence in or around the area as there most certainly would have been in Britain. We locked our bikes securely in the shopping centre and walked down a long and winding dirt track in the dark to the airfield.
The place itself was basically a field with a couple of beer tents and a club house which belonged to the airfield. There were bouncers who were checking bags for alcohol and drugs. My friend Ashley tried to sneak his bag full of beer in with him but failed, however unlike in Britain the bouncers were happy enough for us to sit around outside and drink until we wanted to come in. 

We watched the first DJ set in amongst a huge crowd of people, at least 500 people. the atmosphere was incredible, everyone was enjoying themselves high on life (or just high). There were also a few fire jugglers at the edge of the field performing insane tricks. 

When It was time for our friends to go up and do their set, we rushed to the front to get a good position. The music at the front was so loud that I has taken me two days to get my normal hearing back. There was also this small wire fence in front of us to stop us getting too near the scaffolding of the DJ booth and speaker - to be honest it didn’t help - It was as useful as chicken wire to keep in an angry tiger. There were guys standing there stopping people jumping over said fence, but mainly they were just chilling out enjoying the music and pouring the crowd mouthfuls of gin and rum which had been unsold by the bar. There were also two guys who had water pistols, or should I say alcohol pistols, shooting shots into the mouths of the crowd - unfortunately one of the guys had really bad aim and instead I received an eyeful of Gin, which stung massively. I was not surprised the next day to find my hair and face sticky with alcohol.

Our friends did a great job, the music they played was so good. Unfortunately the crowd had depleted a bit by the time they started as the wind had really caught up seeming to signal the arrival of the foreseen storm. Luckily the rain held off for the entire gig, a good thing too since there was zero shelter. 
We cycled home stopping for a piadine on the way and made it home just in time before the rain came plummeting down.

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